Poster against wall of a boy on launch pad looking at rocket taking off towards space, with Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in space.
​​​​​​​Creating a poster that sparks action either through entertainment or other sources, an idea was brewed on a company that was currently making headlines at the time. With the new program starting to make a name for itself, it made sense to expand on it in the visual sense. Using footage relevant to the work, a compilation was made to show what the future can be for this company with enhancements of such technologies.​​​​​​​
Four art concepts: First one is featured in outer space with the tip of a space rocket visible in the bottom part of sketch. Has planets visible too. Second one shows a person with a cape pointing to the skies with a planet visible. Third, showcases an astronaut on marks looking at Earth and the Moon. Fourth is similar to that of the second concept, but has a variation of individuals at the bottom (one talking to a child, one walking, and the other pointing) looking at a rocket heading towards space. Planets are visible in sky.
Four art concepts: First one is someone's face with sunglasses on. In the reflection of the frame, shows a rocket taking off. Second shows a girl from inside the spaceship looking at Mars with the caption of "Mars and Beyond." Third shows a NASA spaceship going near Saturn. Fourth shows a spaceship moving pass Jupiter and Saturn.
After playing in Adobe Photoshop and compiling different aspects into the piece, a final piece was drafted. The attempt was to bring awareness and ambition to the audience, especially to children; to know that their wildest dreams can come true with just hard work and dedication.
Final Rendition
Final rendition of the poster. Showcasing a little boy in a superman costume walking towards the launchpad. The rocket has left and is headed towards space, with Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn visible. Text at the bottom says SpaceX to the bottom left and "Mars & Beyond" to the bottom right.
*Created as a class project
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