PBS Arizona was looking for different ideas for bumpers to be used towards one of their newer shows. Reaching out to students in the Arizona school system, they gave their brand visuals, so they could come up with new concepts.
Watching a few of their shows that they have aired for this specific segment series, I gathered common themes that were discussed. It mostly ran around science themes, which included new discoveries, technologies, or interesting facts about the process.
Taking into consideration their values and the name of the show itself, the idea of what the bumper could be, was brought to the forefront. Being that DNA is in all living things, an idea was created.
Using their wordmark as the main focus of the bumper, the DNA strands could be a good secondary focus area. Wanting to attract the attention of the audience through motion, the DNA strand gave the sense of that by twirling around the letters.
With the final rendition, using Adobe After Effects, a video was created showcasing the piece. The final rendition appears to have the DNA strand turning the wordmark up to its standing location, which then has the DNA strand and wordmark exit off screen and fade off.
*Created as a class project